Biotika | | ISSN 2410-9290 (Online) |
ISSUE 3(22), June 2018
Table of Content
Kamula R.A., Rijani Y., Sambah A.B.
- Analysis of lead in seaweed and waters in Bajo Island, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara; pp. 3-6
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Pramudya D., Haedar A., Dradjat R., Setyowati N.
- The correlation between the types of snakes, geographical area, pre-hospital treatment and the outcome of snakebite patients; pp. 7-13
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Voshedskiy N.N., Pimenov N.V., Voshedskiy N.V.
- Modern herbicides in fight against weed vegetation and broomrape on crops of sunflower in the conditions of the Rostov region; pp. 14-22
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Melati R., Sugito Y., Aini N., Nihayati E.
- Habitat study and contribution of micro climate and luja (Peristrophe bivalvis merrill) leaf extraction as natural dyes for textile in North Maluku; pp. 23-29
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Purawijaya H., Haedar A., Setijowati N., Drajat R.S.
- The relationship between characteristic of cardiac etiology out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients and the return of spontaneous circulation; pp. 30-38
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download
Valiullin L.R., Vecherov A.V., Aysuvakova T.P.
- Searching for effective antagonist strains for pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflore; pp. 39-42
- Language of article: English
- Full-text in PDF: download